Saturday, August 30, 2008

This is going to be more tricky than I expected

So I arrived in Vienna safe and sound! My flights got a little interesting, especially when I was in Amsterdam with 30 minutes until my next flights and I had to go through customs and my gate was at the end of the airport. Needless to say I was walking very very rapidly to get to my plane =)

The place where I am staying is very nice, Faven and I share a private bathroom and there is a community kitchen and someone comes and cleans our bathroom and changes our sheets. Yay! The people in my program have all been incredibly nice, its definitely a very fun group to hang out with and there are kids from all over the U.S. We went out for dinner and a beer last night (The program director's treat) and it was interesting trying to decipher what the menu was saying! Then all of us jet lagged kids came back and crashed.

Today we took a tour of downtown Wien (Vienna in German) and walked down an original Roman street, saw building that are 2500 years old, saw the cafe where Sigmund Freud taught most of his lectures, saw a gorgeous cathedral, and also saw our campus which is gorgeous! I think the tricky part will be the language barrier, especially with transportation. There are bikes paths next to where you walk and you are not supposed to walk in them because the bikers will run you over, and well you all know me and I forgot and needless to say I had to leap out of the way =) I also got shut in the train door! So I have a couple of the guys in my group watching out for me so I don't wander out into traffic haha.We are just learning how to get around, and we also went to the grocery store and attempted to figure out what the labels said and how much we were supposed to pay! Things aren't too pricy. Im trying to use my Euros wisely! Classes start on Monday, we will be taking 3 hours of German a day for the entire month of September in hopes that we will be able to communicate with the locals a little better. Its a very good time and hopefully I will be able to navigate throughout the city in no time!

1 comment:

Unknown said...

I can just picture you walking along looking at everything and getting run over. At least you aren’t walking and texting anymore.
Don’t get use to the maid service. Things will get back to normal when you get home.
Keep a good eye out for things you can show me when I come visit.